
Gift Cards


Our Gift Cards make the perfect gift for your friends and family living in Vermont!

Our Gift Cards have no expiration date and are valid on any of the wide variety of items available in our store, bakery or even greenhouses!

Is this a gift for someone else?

If yes, you may include a short message to be delivered along with the Gift Card. Please enter it in the box below titled ‘Gift Message’.

For custom Gift Card Amounts please call 802-655-3440

SKU: N/A Category:


Our Gift Cards make the perfect gift for your friends and family living in Vermont!

Our Gift Cards have no expiration date and are valid on any of the wide variey of items available in our store, bakery or even greenhouses!

On the payment page, be sure to check the box “Use a different billing address”, if the credit card you are using is different then the ‘Shipping Address’. Many customers choose to ship the gift card directly to the recipient.

Additional information


$25, $50, $100, $250, $500